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It doesn't feel like it's "Earned"


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Okay, first of all, I respect Sugar's Decision, it makes sense, but here's my "two cents" on the new Changelog.

This isn't meant to disrespect people who have got 150 Sits, or anything. Take this easily


Now to begin with, I feel like the moderators who have got full Moderator before the 150 Sits=Promoted thing, have actually earned it, by the choice of Sugar, and the rest of the Higher ups. 


The problem with this now, is that alot of people have gotten 150 Sits on their first days/2nd Days, or first few days, including me and a few other friends of mine who have gotten it.. [Kalysta said she got it too on her first day] Now let's think of that for a moment...I feel it's odd that someone who just got staff on their First day or 2nd Day gets full Moderator, seems ..weird, when I think of my 2nd day or first day, I was no where close to being prepared to Training other Trial Mods, no where being close to knowing the ins and outs.


[Edit: What I mean by that^ is that, Imagine if I was on my first or 2nd day or someone was on their first/2nd day, and just got a rank like that.. maybe they werent prepared, something like that.. I'm just overthinking it maybe]


All I have to say is that it feels like it doesn't get Earned any more...I'll be honest, i'm super happy that I got full Moderator, feels good to be honest, but I had to be honest with myself, did I really earn it?.. Compared to Dindu Nuffinz, Kalysta, Booper, and the other people who I havent mentioned.. I have no clue.. What do you think?


Sorry for the super long post, had to give out my opinion..

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I think in your case youve most definitely earned it. You may not be as active as you'd like, but that's not quite your fault. When you are on you do really good work. I don't think ive heard a complaint about you yet

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Thanks monoxide :), but I just felt like.. maybe compared to You, and Booper, and Kalysta, and Valentine.. alot of the other staff members, was it really deserved.. ya feel?


But thanks again Monoxide, means alot <3.

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This was discussed in the meeting two weeks ago. 


It was suggested by majority of the people who wanted a way for tmods to be promoted since majority of the tmods were staying as tmod for months (bad thing). If you wish to change it, feel free to show up to the Saturday meetings and talk about it with Sugar himself, although, you won't find meeting 7/8/17 recording because Blacnova isn't uploading it for some odd reason.



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Exactly, I feel it should be more of a "You got approved by higher ups, and the Owners " etc.. therefore you'll get promoted, it just seems odd to me.


Because Moderators are usually for helping T-Mods, and doing other stuff like extending bans [Doing sits of course] - And stuff like that, replying to forum posts etc..


It's a bigger responsibility, some may already handle it well, but I just feel it's odd.

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THOUGH i may have had beef with you in the past, you earn it dude.  Never put yourself down! You care about the server and go above and beyond with doing your best with helping anyone you see. So celebrate being mod, and understand you deserve it, do i feel the system sounds flawed? YES! do I feel some people who just became trial mod should wait at least 2 weeks to a month to even be considered a mod? yes, but do i feel you deserve the mod promotion? Yes!!! YES!!!! and YES!!!!

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Wow :)  Thank you. It means alot Filmz is Truth, truly does.

And appreciate you telling what you think regardless of whether we had any issues. Big move. Props to you.


Appreciate it though, made my day :'D

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You see, that's the issue. When I said I don't mean to offend anyone, I mean't I DONT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE.


Pretty clear, what I meant was more of Directed at me and comparing myself to people who actually deserved the rank.

And people who probably were like Trial Mods and maybe didn't deserve Moderator.. That's what I meant.



You can tell me you deserved your rank and I'll tell you Congrats and props to you.

Nothing else meant by the post, not telling people "Well your hard work is just useless" I Don't mean that, I meant does it really feel earned for me. And for anyone who might feel the same as I do, or might want to compare it to other Moderators before the 150+ Update.


Not saying you don't work hard. I'm talking overall.

Me also saying that doesn't equal that i'm saying "Im slacking off why do I get Mod" I meant it more of "Some people waited till they get promoted and did alot, and all I did was get 150+ Sits". You feel me?

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