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Suggestion to go full CSS


M9K to CSS weapons?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. M9K to CSS weapons?

    • Yea sure, I will also take Billy Bob on a date with my big green tractor
    • No pls, M9K rules, CSS drools

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So I had an idea that instead of using M9K, we can swap over to full CSS weapons. The weapons that are like this 









This has a lot of benefits and cons at the same time but I think the pros outweigh the negativity.



  • Decrease download size of the server by 600MB (That is huge if you did not know)
  • Increased FPS since you're not loading all of these extra custom models and textures for M9K guns
  • Quicker load times
  • Original CSS weapons, most weapons don't have iron sights
  • People who play this gmod server also really like CSGO for some reason, so it would possibly have the same feel?
  • Since there would be a decrease in server size, it would allow me some room to work in some other weapons / tools / vanity items
  • All weapons do CSS weapon damage so you can't have a gun that is not OP
  • Shipment lists would not be 40 pages long, easier to manage


  • Some people swear their life on M9K and will start violently vomiting if we switched over to CSS
  • Some inventories would have corrupted items (for the most part, they will switch over to CSS weapons)
  • Some custom class weapons may not have another option to switch over to. For example the USAS's closes replacement would be the auto shotgun. But I can fix this pretty easily.
  • 45% of the people who are completely oblivious to a change like this, will be very confused for a week (I know most people who play on the server do not browse the forums)

I would love some feedback. I can do comps for inventories since I have all logs if necessary, I think something like this would change gun play for the most part and be beneficial and make it so you cannot just pray and spray like a mad man all the time with m9k weapons.


Edit: Just so you know, this would not remove any custom weapons people have or anything else besides the actual M9K packs

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they are called alt css weapons i think, i feel like those are better


Send me a link! I tried looking for them and I could not find anything. Now, would you guys prefer CSS weapons with or without ironsights?

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Just want to shamefully bump this thread because I would either like to get this done tonight or tomorrow morning. So far I guess people want it, if anyone has any compelling arguments as to why M9K > CSS weapons let me know. The pack we will use is http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=187933083&searchtext=css+weapon I will just extract the pack and modify the fire-rates since some of them are too slow.

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