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Staff: on duty vs off duty


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The other day a user thought it was a good idea to tell me "I don't have to listen to anything you say because you're not on duty" after which he proceeded to continue to break rules directly in front of me.

Needless to say the user was punished. But this got me thinking, hence why I'm making this thread.


I suppose this is more of a PSA than anything.


On titsrp there is no such thing as "on duty staff" yes there's a job for it, but that means nothing. Whether a staff member is on duty, a thief, or the mayor it makes no difference. If a staff member tells you to stop doing something, and there's a valid reason behind it, you stop. You don't ask why, you don't question the authority of that staff member, you stop doing what you're doing. Now obviously what I'm talking about entails a rule being broken, don't get it twisted, I'm not saying if a staff member tells you to jump you ask how high. That's not what I mean. But what I'm saying is, if a member of staff sees you doing something you're not supposed to and tells you to stop, you listen. 


Were here to help and have fun, but we're also here to be strict and enforce the rules. Were the police force of the server. You wouldn't backtalk a police officer if they were telling you not to do something illegal while off duty, so why would you do it to the servers police officers when you're violating a server rule. 


Aright I feel as though I've ranted long enough.

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