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fidget spinners speed is lit as fuck (warning: math)


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So, I found out today the Fidget Spinners speed doesn't cap at 10,000.  

That's pretty rad. But for all math intensive purposes to find out a fidget spinner's speed, we'll start by assuming you're spinning it at 10,000 RPM.  

At 1 rpm, the fidget spinner spins 1 length of its circumference (hence rotations per minute).  

The average circumference of a fidget spinner is 8.6664 inches.  

Thus, 1 rpm = 8.6664 inches spun per minute.  

Multiply that by 10,000 to get 86,664 inches spun per minute.  

Multiply that by 60 to get 1 hour of spinning. 5,199,840 inches spun per hour.  

Divide that by 12 to get the length in feet. 433,320 feet spun per hour.  

Divide THAT by 5280 for length in miles.  82.06 miles spun per hour.  

Thus, at 10000 rpm, the fidget spinner spins at 82 MPH or 131.9 km/h (if you're a communist). 

Multiply those by multiples of 10 for variants like 100,000 RPM, or 1,000,000 RPM.



TL;DR nerd does math while he prints. Fidget spinner at 10000 RPM spins at 82 MPH or 131.9 km/H. 


Quick Edit; At one hundred billion RPM the fidget spinner's spin speed surpasses the speed of light.

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