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Admin FailRP


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What do you mean "break rp?"

If he's in a sit, he's not roleplaying...you can't exactly failrp if you aren't rping...


he was not in a sit he was RP'ing like a normal player would

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"he was not in a sit"

You said he brought you to a sit. 

It was explained to you that staff members are definitely allowed to investigate what appears to be attempted RDM. Your question was answered, you are being redundant. You may create a report in this section:


Using this format:


if you truly think this should be investigated by the administration team/owner. Do not make a thread under the premise that he is not allowed to bring you to a sit because you randomly shot him for what appeared to be no reason (and DO realize that we can observe you saying you shot him for no reason, you stated you accidentally did so in your OP).


In general, most of the staff team either gives zero shits or doesn't want to put in the effort to investigate RDM or attempted RDM committed against themselves, but there is nothing prohibiting them from doing so.

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