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Scripting Error


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Coding Error



Description: http://imgur.com/oaAcdi4


How to reproduce: Walk near the suburbs. Happened to me five times today. For the last two days I have been getting Scripting Errors in the suburbs, well it crashed my game five times today.


Priority: High

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It's an engine error that could essentially be tied into a lot of different things. Can't really do anything about it since the error is too vague. What was in the suburbs? Who was in the suburbs? What jobs were they? Was there gunfire at the time of the crash? Do you have decals on? Was anyone driving a car? What weapons were people using? What props were back there? All these questions come to mind

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There was a hobo, His base looked like a screenshot or something. It was around the chemical pump. I do recall Gaben. He was spamming his Gaben gun at me. Plus I seen a video from an old staff member, I really like the old go karts and I wish for them to be added back.

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