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M4, Ar-15 models messed up


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Quality of Life


Description: Any weapon that uses the Tactical M4 model comes out of the penis instead of the hand. (When in any job) 


How to reproduce: Equip any weapon that uses the Tactical M4 Model -- quite a few --  and you can shoot with your one-eyed snake. 



Priority: Low. (Just a visual bug) 


Example: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=887877780

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Pretty sure this is known, this happens with many of my custom weapons, if not all of them, as well. Dunno if there is a fix to it or not, but it would be cool if the gun was held normally.


To my knowledge this could be fixed very easily, just go into the SWEP's code and change the SetPos of the SWEP to the eyes, and adjust accordingly.

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I didn't know about this and it isn't as easy as setting the position. The way the weapon will attach to your hands is when it has an attachment on it that goes to your hands. Think of it like a trailer hooking up to a car using a ball socket where they interlock. When this happens, that attachment is missing.


A lot of weapon makers are usually silly when they come to making sweps because 90% of them are ported over and they don't give them any actual attachments. An easy fix is to just use a world model that is close enough to resemble it. Another way is to force render the weapon at that spot but..thats expensive for everyone

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