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Ghosted Props


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Is there a way you can change the prop ghosting script so that it no longer changes the color of props? I think it would make props much easier to see while adjusting them, and it would mean we wouldn't have to keep switching their colors back.

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I don't think it's possible with enforcer. We use an enforcer addon that freezes and then unfreezes the prop the moment you let go of it through the physgun to prevent other ways of propkilling that I'm not too familiar with how it works.


It was added back in so people like Lucky/El Chapo right here can't propkill by spawning props on top of people's heads and see it crush them.

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I don't think it's possible with enforcer. We use an enforcer addon that freezes and then unfreezes the prop the moment you let go of it through the physgun to prevent other ways of propkilling that I'm not too familiar with how it works.


It was added back in so people like Lucky/El Chapo right here can't propkill by spawning props on top of people's heads and see it crush them.



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