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Was successfully raided thanks to an admin.


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Few things, 

1) Did you want to stay in the roof?

2) When did this happen (i've done like 110 sits today)

3) How is this my fault? you did not even say what I did and honestly I forgot



I'm sorry you got raided I truly am but I do no see how this is my fault


Answer these questions for me I would like to know more so I can not do this next time.


This isn't a report and he has no proof of this happening so calm your ass down. Also, its funny that you want to have the questions answered so you dont do it again, but you threatened to ban someone for harassment.

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Few things, 

1) Did you want to stay in the roof?

2) When did this happen (i've done like 110 sits today)

3) How is this my fault? you did not even say what I did and honestly I forgot



I'm sorry you got raided I truly am but I do no see how this is my fault


Answer these questions for me I would like to know more so I can not do this next time.


This isn't a report and he has no proof of this happening so calm your ass down. Also, its funny that you want to have the questions answered so you dont do it again, but you threatened  to ban someone for harassment.


To the both of you, all is good I donated more to the server and bought some more cash. You are a great part of the community and was no way trying to insult you.

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