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My Absense


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To those who do not know, I have been playing Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain for the last 2 weeks: Last week, and this week. I have started playing it on Wednesday and have totaled up to 73 hours already. I did not leave MGS:TPP up to rack up hours, I have literally played for that long. I shall make a return to TitsRP on Friday from when I wake up and stay on to bully little children (Not sure if I should be serious about that) As all of you know, I have been being a little prick to children that still doesn't have pubic and a bit of a prick to grown people that act like they are still developing their brain (You know who you are) so I will decide to take it easy for now on and only do it to people that deserves a smack down.



See you all in heck the server,




Also here is something I worked on that I want to share with people.

It's my emblem.


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