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Model Glitch

MountainJew .�.

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Description: The model mur_niku.mdl is unkidnappable, or at least nearly

How to reproduce: Attempt to kidnap somebody using the player model and then you'll find picking them up is nearly impossible and if you do manage to do it they automatically drop after two seconds

Priority: Low (kinda is op if your class uses the model)


I don't normally post on forums sorry if the template is fucked thanks for looking

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Bad ragdolls are bad


That being said:


Go into GMOD build mode and play with ragdolls and the tools associated with them. You'll notice that as you twist certain limbs, deflate others. Etc... It actually makes the ragdoll harder to grab with phys_gun.


As sugar said 

This is because those models have no ragdoll (or a very freaked up one). This is not fixable on my end unless the models were swapped out which the chicken nugget is my hommie


The more a ragdoll is changed the harder it is to grab/kidnap a player using that model.

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