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Shadow Knife Bug


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Description: I don't know if anyone's made a report about this, but Shadow Knives, can be used in the spawn, so it just lets Hitmen and anyone who buys one, MassRDM people who are AFK, or loading in.


How to reproduce: Right, click onto someone to teleport, and left click to kill. (only difference really is it's in spawn...)


Priority: Low

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Description: I don't know if anyone's made a report about this, but Shadow Knives, can be used in the spawn, so it just lets Hitmen and anyone who buys one, MassRDM people who are AFK, or loading in.


How to reproduce: Right, click onto someone to teleport, and left click to kill. (only difference really is it's in spawn...)


Priority: Low


I mean, this has been known for a while, and if anyone mass rdms with it in spawn, there is no getting out of that, but it might be a possibility that sugar could fix it. I wouldn't worry too much though, if anyone mass rdms they are almost instantly banned.

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I'm pretty sure in the code for the knife it executes "kill" instead of a "damage value" and that is why it still kills in spawn. I'm sure sugar could switch it over. Take the code from one of the normal knives and replace the right click with the one from the shadow knife

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