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My friends VIP is Missing


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Can someone help me? Me and my friends (PurpleElement and PurpleHaze) used to play a while back but when we joined back our VIP's disapeared. I was lucky enough that Sugar was on at the same time as me and made me VIP again but I was getting frustrated yesterday because all of us 3 were contacting Admins and none did anything not even replyed. So please can anyone put PurpleElement and PurpleHaze back into VIP it would mean alot to us. Thanks ( They didn't know how to report something so I did it for them)

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Only HA+ can set ranks, go PM Sugar or something, Mods/Admins can't do anything.


How do I do that? I can't pm him on steam


On the forums, click on the little arrow next to your username and press User Panel, it should be somewhere there.

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