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hecko everyone. I'm sure most of you know me or of me, but I am going to be making a big change for the better of the server as a whole, and myself. As you might know, I tend to screw around with my friends a lot and like to screw with them. I tend to have many wars, and such things similar to that. Well, as much fun as this can be, it looks terrible to everyone and is a bad example. From here on out, I am going to be playing much more maturely, seriously, but most of all, I'm going to be taking my job much more seriously. If you did not know, I am a trial moderator, and I tend to sometimes handle situations poorly or the wrong way, or don't take them seriously enough. Not anymore. I will be focusing on my job more than RP for a while, so I can gain back respect I have lost or have yet to gain. No, this does not all mean I'm going to become a complete dick and take everything way to seriously, but actually, I am going to try and be kinder to everyone and as big as a help as I can to anyone who needs it. I will still have fun and raid, and RP, but only to a certain extent, as I want and need to take my staffing more seriously over RPing and screwing around. I am still going to be me, just a different, much more mature, version of me. I very much so hope you can embrace this change in a good way, and find the positives out of it I still love you all, and I always will, but I want you guys to like me, and not think of me as an RDMer, a immature kid, or just someone who is a complete dick. Please guys, just give it a chance, and I grantee you will like what you see.

Yours truly, govector

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