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On evocity I never did the same thing every day, I had many different options. On the servers current state there isn't a lot that can entertain for a long time period. Why do you never play on the server Sugar? Oh I remember you saying you didn't like it. If I recall tho I remember you basically playing everyday day because it was fun. Tbh I'd play more on tits if it wasn't so bland and boring. So many people play and take long as breaks because tits gets boring. I'm not bashing on tits but in my opinion Evo had many more appealing and fun things. If you listened to people at the time, they didn't like the leveling or crafting but instead of getting rid of those you got rid of everything. So like I said, Evo was awesome. Being a cop was fun, making the dank mush, fishing to I guess lmao, raiding a cool bank, just cruising around. So sugar what did you like more, Evo or the server now?


I  recently played on some random meth server running evo city v33x or something like that and it was great. There were soo many options for bases. The map was huge,  I actually never even went around the whole map. I think if we change the map to evocity and dont add the leveling or xp system then I think we stand a good chance of keeping our playerbase.

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To what bzerk said Evo city itself didn't kill the player base, everyone liked the map change. No one liked the other changed. It would take like 20 hours of being on the game to be a crip or blood. the leveling system was really shit and no one liked it. People disliked so many other things to. For example you had to almost build everything. No one liked building shit like guns. Maps don't kill unless it's a really shit map. The map wasn't shit, almost everyone liked it(besides the 10 year olds)

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On evocity I never did the same thing every day, I had many different options. On the servers current state there isn't a lot that can entertain for a long time period. Why do you never play on the server Sugar? Oh I remember you saying you didn't like it. If I recall tho I remember you basically playing everyday day because it was fun. Tbh I'd play more on tits if it wasn't so bland and boring. So many people play and take long as breaks because tits gets boring. I'm not bashing on tits but in my opinion Evo had many more appealing and fun things. If you listened to people at the time, they didn't like the leveling or crafting but instead of getting rid of those you got rid of everything. So like I said, Evo was awesome. Being a cop was fun, making the dank mush, fishing to I guess lmao, raiding a cool bank, just cruising around. So sugar what did you like more, Evo or the server now?


I  recently played on some random meth server running evo city v33x or something like that and it was great. There were soo many options for bases. The map was huge,  I actually never even went around the whole map. I think if we change the map to evocity and dont add the leveling or xp system then I think we stand a good chance of keeping our playerbase.


EvoCity!!!! Doooo it. Change it, everyone will love all the new places to base and everything. I get bored of the current map cause all of the bases or easy to build at or just simply a boring place to base. It would be awesome having to make new bases on Evo City

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Sugar didn't realize his mistake at first and still doesn't. He thinks the map killed the pop but like I said when he reverted the server the it's current state(kinda shitty no offense) I asked multiple people who stopped playing why they stopped. I can't recall anyone saying the map was bad, only that they disliked the leveling, having to build everything, ect. How many staff and used to be occasional people stopped playing? A shit ton because they disliked what the server became, aka it's current state

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Make a poll then on the map change. I won't just do it if 3 people say it. The server is dead already so I don't think it can die even more.


There are a lot of cons to a map change and very few pros. The server size will skyrocket a ton to add in cars and all this other junk but if you guys seriously think that changing maps and keeping everything the way it is now is the savior to your enjoyment then so be it.


I still want to hear what was so fun back then now makes the server not fun. There are so many things to do but people with custom classes say "Oh, I don't do anything but print and build" and it's like hecko, your custom class is a raider class. You know there are 90 other jobs out there that have a different purpose that are supposed to do different things. People complain there is no RP and that it's boring now but the reason why it's probably boring is because all of the people who have custom classes only play instead of the people who actually RPed. You actually want people to RP for you so you can do something in the server.


Sugar didn't realize his mistake at first and still doesn't. He thinks the map killed the pop but like I said when he reverted the server the it's current state(kinda shitty no offense) I asked multiple people who stopped playing why they stopped. I can't recall anyone saying the map was bad, only that they disliked the leveling, having to build everything, ect. How many staff and used to be occasional people stopped playing? A shit ton because they disliked what the server became, aka it's current state


Then why did we have a full server almost every day or at least max out at 60 players every day 2 weeks ago and then all of the sudden since we switched hosts and then switched back, everyone was like "nope im out"


It's just like.. if you thought it was shit before what did you expect me to do? Read your mind and say "Oh I am reading the Futuristic Rush doesn't like the server, oh, I see his reading are saying he doesn't like this feature, I am also getting a taste that he doesn't like the map". Have a voice and say something when you notice it's bad so it doesn't get to this point.

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I'm not trying to bash on the server Sugar, first tho let me start off with the 3 major reasons for people not liking Evo. 1. Finding npcs for job changing. 2. The leveling system. 3. Crafting almost everything. One of my favorite things to do as for other people(like blanoga) was being a cop chasing criminals and being a criminal running from cops. It gave a thrill that is awesome. The current cops aren't that fun they are similar but still different. Another thing was building new bases in new houses without having people raid you every 5 minutes. Not once on Evo did I build a base for printers, I did it to RP. One more thing that was fun was starting a heists where all the pd tried stopping you, it's different then the current pd because there was a huge tower and you had to get to the top and not die, and if you did you'd drop the money if you didn't deposit it. It gave a thrill and rush that the current bank doesn't. So these are just some of the reasons why Evo had more RP, also one more thing is cops would be cops and if you drove in the wrong lane they'd pull you over. So these are just a few reasons

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