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allow permaprops on windows to fix window disparity (some issues are unbreakable and others arent)


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many bases have windows, only some of those windows are unbreakable. a unbreakable window is a very safe bit for the base. many bases that dont have these unbreakable windows simply arent viable bases. i would like to try to push for perma props ONLY ON SUCH WINDOWS so that bases like hotel are more viable

Edited by wolf2297
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Not a terrible idea, would allow more bases to work in certain small buildings. Best bet would be to push for map revamp to have solid windows.

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im personally very interested in this idea bc it breaks up the current state of basing, MOST smaller bases simply arent viable bc of breakable windows. that being said i can also see how it *might* be a issue for Rubik to impliment. Also, terrry stop downvoting everything i do, its toxic

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