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I was wrongly banned


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Why were you banned or warned?


Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

It’s true I likely had quite a few kills what weren’t adverted but they were my friends and we were just having fun killing each other, I think I only actually rdmed one guy and I regret it. Also I didn’t LTAP my game crashed when I was tped. For the most part this was a misunderstanding and I would gladly take a warning for the guy who I actually did rdm.

Who warned/banned you?

Enowapi (STEAM_0 :0: 13951731)

How long were you warned or banned for?

6 days, 16 hours, 47 minutes
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It was me that you killed in the middle of the street, and when i jail tpd you, you looked at me and then left and didnt come back... would of 100% been fine to warn you but you left and didnt return you didnt crash


also looking back at logs you and one other player were killing each other


i will change this to a warning and unban you here shortly





Edited by Enowapi
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