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Sugar... help us out here


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MOTD does state basic laws.


Default Laws:

  • Doing any illegal activity will have you arrested or fined
  • Killing other players is illegal


Stealing in the sense that if someone turns in drugs, you swipe their money, get shot once, kill them. Saying to make the theft nonviolent doesn't mean players won't get killed, they'll still die just in a different order.


The fining process is fine, the players who misuse the tools they are given are the ones to be punished. Sugar said it himself, the massive fine followed up with a 20 minute jail time is motivation to not commit crimes.


Also I agree with your last bit on the warns. I only knew of the one revolving around 50 warnings since I'm surprised I've seen players make it that far. If any player makes it to any amount of that you just listed, they deserve a harsher punishment since they're clearly not grasping the concept of rules

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There are some things that need to be done on the server and hopefully you can put them in for the next restart.


-Add default laws to the MOTD so people actually know them

-Put in a max raid time so people need to call over eventually

-Make CP raids counterable (If you can help your friends in regular raids why not CP)

-If possible remove armor damage in spawn

-Put it in MOTD that there is no violent stealing

-NERF THE NON LETHAL M4!!!! the effects should ware off in 10 seconds or take like 10 seconds to kick in and it should not effect looking around as much as it does

-Make people who are !jail'ed not able to be killed in their cage, in so many of my sits someone will come up with a lightsaber and kill the people over and over to farm kills

-Make the max fine something around 50k.. 100k is a bit too much

-Put the ban times for 25 warns,30,40 and 50 in the Official ban times 2.0 thread


Keep in mind most of these are my personal opinion so feel free to leave yours as a response.

I will be making another list like this (a list of *SMALL* fixes for sugar to adjust) so if you have anything to add tell me in-game and I will post it in the next list.




Thank you for putting the old logs back in alongside the new ones <3


I added in the rules that you can not do a violent steal and made a max raiding time. But for the other things they should stay. Like if someone comes up with a lightsaber then pull them away and jail them or something. the non lethal m4 is not too op. other than that they should just stay.

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