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CP List Bug


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Description: Whenever you try to look at a bounty list (info button) on someone with a name more than 10 characters (I think) you get a lua error


How to reproduce: Give someone who has a name longer than 10 characters a bounty and look at that bounty from the list


Priority: Medium


The error:


[ERROR] addons/sugarpolice/lua/police/client/cl_police.lua:536: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)

  1. ipairs - [C]:-1


   2. DoClick - addons/sugarpolice/lua/police/client/cl_police.lua:536

    3. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:218

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I am going to assume that the data is not getting sent fast enough to your client. I can fix this though. Should be fixed for the next reset


Edit: Now information of the client you're selecting will be sent + it will wait until the information is actually received

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