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Votebans should be reworked


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I wanted to make a community post in hopes that this makes a difference towards the corrupt system of Votebans


The voteban system needs to be either removed entirely or at the very least restricted. I do not think this is a controversial take after seeing the outcry between several players within the game due to false bans. I have been personally targeted by these false bans when the player 

"Exodium (STEAM_0:0:205319780)" votebanned me 4 days ago for the reason " (Massive queer votebanning innocent people) " after i had votebanned one of his assumed friends which was mass rdming people including myself while no staff were on. Now this is not a ban appeal but instead an example i am using to justify my point.  another prime example was when the admin "TurkeyJuiceX STEAM_0:0:116421847" was banned on JAN 27th for being afk while being the only staff online at the time.


While I do understand votebans exist to help players defend themselvs when no admins are online. This should be enough evidence by itself to show that this system is way too easily accessible and that it needs to change. A possible change that could be made that would'nt require the system to be outright removed is by restricting the ability to create votebans perhaps limiting it to players who have a certain number of Hours/ Levels in the server could be a possible way. Overall, votebans as they stand in the game now are doing more harm then good to the community and server and must either be restricted or completely removed until a new system is in place.

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While you are correct votebans are abused sometimes, outright removing them should not be done. I say this because if there is no voteban/votekick system, and no staff on the server will be even more chaotic then it already is without staff on. If they were removed, it would be impossible to play most of the time that staff weren't on. There would be no way to stop minges, mass rdm, etc.

I think in this situation the good outweighs the bad. If somebody is abusing votebans, evidence can be collected and they can be vote restricted.

Now I DO agree it would be nice to make some type of change to make it so these cannot be easily abused. But I don't think making it so only players with a certain level/ high hours can voteban. Because if we're going to be honest here a lot of people who abuse the system are also players who have been here for a long time & would definitely meet this level/ playtime requirement.

One thing I can think of to help with voteban abuse is stricter punishments when it comes to people who do this. Something like if you make a false voteban you will at first be given a warning/ 3 day vote restriction. If you do it multiple times then you should be vote restricted permanently, or for a month or something like that. 

Edited by toosii
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