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Potential better reason to use rebel/mafia leader

snake eyes

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A concept ive had in mind for awhile.


Basically Idea is that if a rebel/mafia leader calls a revolt against the mayor and they win the revolt, they get set to mayor by default and their followers (either other rebels/mafia members) get to become randomly selected CP roles and the current set of CP members get demoted. It generally would make sense that an aspiring rebel leader/mafia leader would want to take power over the government if they started a revolt, and it would perhaps make these two otherwise useless job classes more viable for gameplay, as people who want to be mayor wouldn't have to rely on an election to get into office, something that can be manipulated extremely easy just by people saying to friends to vote them in.


Only potential issues i can see coming from it is that the elections would be abandoned for revolts since the ones calling it would almost certainly win the office, a few potential ideas i had for maybe preventing this would be either:


1. A Cap of 3-5 max rebel revolts before an election needs to take place

2. the new mayor has either 0 grace period or an extremely limited grace period, allowing other parties to potentially just kill them right afterwards (this probably wont work tho, seeing as if you just finished a revolt and got killed by a bomb or something you'd immediatley lose it, defeating the purpose)

3. Nothing, it might be alright enough and seeing as all the CP that previously ran the place get demoted, its completely possible for them to start their own revolt to try and get the office back


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