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Nerf Electricity swep/ Emperor's swep


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Now I not to sure who owns this swep but i do know that is certainly does need to be nerfed. I think the owner of the swep is Scorps though.


Any way so i have multiple occasions where the swep is completely broken/op.


Ex #1

As i was raiding base, Scorps countered the raid and just started to spam the electricity swep at the whole building. Everything was catching on fire and even world props like the windows apart of the base. He was pretty much roasting us like pigs over a fire. I couldnt do anything at all either because I was stuck inside and i couldn't move. If i did move i would just burn. After it  the fire extinguished, he would run inside the base and lit me on fire while running away. Obviously he would keep doing that until i burned to death and he was done countering.


Ex #2

I was raiding a megabase in Richville, where Scorps was basing of course. As i went through the front door and killed a few people people. ( This is when the skullsmasher still had the ability to give you super speed.) He chased me down with the electricity swep out of the mega base. I constantly was burning and i couldnt do anything at all because i was near to impossible to hit anyone that had the super speed on. He simply just did circles around me until he burned me to death.


Ex #3

I was standing on top of a roof near my base in poorville. I see scorps coming next to my base and spamming his swep at this car that was driving by. Of course he missed and lit my whole base on fire. including his own base because of chasing the car down.


I think that the swep should be nerfed in some way to make less annoying :) At least change the time of how the longs the props burn because it is at least a good minute.


I also got a video i took of him using it.





Also another thing that is real quick. I already said this in another post about Emperor minigun swep but i wanted to say it on this because i talking about nerfing a swep.


The gun that he own is completely op. It one taps everything even if you have 125 hp and 100 armor.

I wanted to show you video evidence too but the video i had got corrupted and he left the server after i knew so i hope you still check out the gun because there is already 2 posts on it and there is probably more to come.



"This is indeed true, When he was raiding the pd and i went to go counter, I had 125 and 100 armor. He simply just pulled out his custom swep and one tapped me with the shotgun. Apxcs was even there too to counter with me and he got one tapped too. I was going to make a thread on this because several of times i have gotten killed by that gun but every time it happened, i wasnt recording or my recording just got corrupted and i couldnt do anything with it.



In all just Sugar check the weapon out and nerf a little because it completely one taps everyone even if they have full health and armor"

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