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Dian Robingson

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I think the whole server can agree that emperor's shotgun/minigun hyprid thing is op and needs to be nerfed. Its like a 2 hit minigun and a 2 hit fully auto spread shotgun. That is the most op shit ive ever seen. Please nerf I really ruins the point of fighting back when he has that shit.

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This is indeed true, When he was raiding the pd and i went to go counter, I had 125 and 100 armor. He simply just pulled out his custom swep and one tapped me with the shotgun. Apxcs was even there too to counter with me and he got one tapped too. I was going to make a thread on this because several of times i have gotten killed by that gun but every time it happened, i wasnt recording or my recording just got corrupted and i couldnt do anything with it.



In all just Sugar check the weapon out and nerf a little because it completely one taps everyone even if they have full health and armor

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I hate that minigun more than I hated the Molotovs.  


The emperor literally did a pd raid and once I enter...

Keep in mind that I have 100 health and 100 armor on...

He literally one shoted me with a minigun..


When I look at the juggernaut's minigun, that gun does not a lot of damage, sooooo much recoil, and takes a long time to reload.


I have no idea about the reload part, but the accuracy is amazing when you shoot that and it's on does do a ton of damage.

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