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Fix the server please?

Scientist James

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FIRST: Please disable the level system, I dont want to play for HOURS on end just to have some real fun with some good classes.


SECOND: Printers?


Third: VIP Classes?


Fourth: (this is kind of a personal prob) How do you fix the textures for cars? The textures are the pink and black squares.


Fifth: I like the parcel system, but can you fix it so it works? 


Sixth: That money ratio drop tho when u die, pls nerf to like maybe 25% not all of us have access to atms 24/7


Final: That wait time when u switch guns, like ik it adds a little realism but maybe cut some of that in half? 


ty for reading have a good dayyyy



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FIRST: Please disable the level system, I dont want to play for HOURS on end just to have some real fun with some good classes.


SECOND: Printers?


Third: VIP Classes?


Fourth: (this is kind of a personal prob) How do you fix the textures for cars? The textures are the pink and black squares.


Fifth: I like the parcel system, but can you fix it so it works? 


Sixth: That money ratio drop tho when u die, pls nerf to like maybe 25% not all of us have access to atms 24/7


Final: That wait time when u switch guns, like ik it adds a little realism but maybe cut some of that in half? 


ty for reading have a good dayyyy




1. I agree for that notion, leveling isn't exactly fun and may ruin experiences for new players who want to join and have fun with certain classes.

2. I also agree with that, printers shouldn't even be have to be bought from an NPC, it should simply be maybe put into an extension for the F1 menu?

3. No real opinion here, VIP classes are a good and bad thing. Some people feel that some classes are OP, unfair, and not fun, while others think they're fair, and balanced.

4. I have a similar issue, but almost 60% of the cars aren't even cars, they're fucked up models.

5. Obviously sugar tits would be working on this

6. Honestly a really smart suggestion, I agree 100% with this.

7. It's already 1 second, I think that's good enough honestly.

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1: All they change is maybe a playermodel or a gun. The point of the server is rp.

2: Something like it will be implemented like tomorrow morning.

3: VIP gets you perks like higher prop limit, tool, ect. no more VIP only classes

4: Download the cars main pack.

5: He is working on a lot right now but will be fixed

6: It will be 50% on next restart.

7: It will also be cut down 50% on restart.


Now literally everything that you asked was previously asked in different forum. Look next time before posting this. It saves you and me some time.

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1: All they change is maybe a playermodel or a gun. The point of the server is rp.

2: Something like it will be implemented like tomorrow morning.

3: VIP gets you perks like higher prop limit, tool, ect. no more VIP only classes

4: Download the cars main pack.

5: He is working on a lot right now but will be fixed

6: It will be 50% on next restart.

7: It will also be cut down 50% on restart.


Now literally everything that you asked was previously asked in different forum. Look next time before posting this. It saves you and me some time.


where can i get the cars main pack?

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FIRST: Please disable the level system, I dont want to play for HOURS on end just to have some real fun with some good classes.


SECOND: Printers?


Third: VIP Classes?


Fourth: (this is kind of a personal prob) How do you fix the textures for cars? The textures are the pink and black squares.


Fifth: I like the parcel system, but can you fix it so it works? 


Sixth: That money ratio drop tho when u die, pls nerf to like maybe 25% not all of us have access to atms 24/7


Final: That wait time when u switch guns, like ik it adds a little realism but maybe cut some of that in half? 


ty for reading have a good dayyyy




I honestly feel like a broken record. Go look around on the forums for more detailed answers.


1) No. "Jobs" don't give you special "rules" anymore. It's just a different version of the class with a different loadout. The only one that actually changes how you do things is probably the mayor. So leveling up in reality, gives you a different loadout. Because in reality, when we had 70+ jobs on dowtown 50% of the jobs just had the same rule set. A thief can mug, raid, ect. A raider can mug, raid, ect. An infiltrator can raid mug ect. An Encalve and raid, mug, ect. See what I am getting at? So they are basically in one category to provide different loadouts.


2) Coming on this reset to appeal to the people who need a box that shoots out like $50 every 60 seconds


3) No. Go read up on VIP perks in the main changelog


4) Download the materials


5) Would be great to know whats wrong with it.


6) No


7) Being done this reset since people can't wait 2 seconds to switch

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FIRST: Please disable the level system, I dont want to play for HOURS on end just to have some real fun with some good classes.


SECOND: Printers?


Third: VIP Classes?


Fourth: (this is kind of a personal prob) How do you fix the textures for cars? The textures are the pink and black squares.


Fifth: I like the parcel system, but can you fix it so it works? 


Sixth: That money ratio drop tho when u die, pls nerf to like maybe 25% not all of us have access to atms 24/7


Final: That wait time when u switch guns, like ik it adds a little realism but maybe cut some of that in half? 


FIRST: It's not that big of a deal, you get access to basically all classes around 20-35. You get better versions of classes mostly past that.

SECOND: no opinion

Third:   all I know is this is the description of VIP

With this rank you get 50,000 RP cash, VIP title and VIP Jobs! This is permanent.

Fourth: There is a sticked post under 'discussion' that you can get them from.

Fifth: Pretty sure it works, I have had no problems, are you not bringing the parcels to the right NPCs?

Sixth: I also feel it should be smaller, that's only because I have seen another server have it but it's only like .3% so it's no big deal, I think a number around %5-%10 would work well.

Final: I believe he made it shorter once already. I wish it was only enabled for guns though, find it odd there is a timer for pulling out the admin stick.

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Sugar you said in his tread that the printers will be giving around 50$ every 60 seconds, that means that every hour printers only give 3000 dollars, do you think you can increase how much printers make, because 3000 every hour is not a lot, I could fish for 30 minutes if I wanted to and make more money

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Sugar you said in his tread that the printers will be giving around 50$ every 60 seconds, that means that every hour printers only give 3000 dollars, do you think you can increase how much printers make, because 3000 every hour is not a lot, I could fish for 30 minutes if I wanted to and make more money


That was just me being snarky. I made it so you get around 30k an hour. You can craft up to 2 printers.


Edit: or its 15k a hour, I forget

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Sugar you said in his tread that the printers will be giving around 50$ every 60 seconds, that means that every hour printers only give 3000 dollars, do you think you can increase how much printers make, because 3000 every hour is not a lot, I could fish for 30 minutes if I wanted to and make more money


That was just me being snarky. I made it so you get around 30k an hour. You can craft up to 2 printers.


Edit: or its 15k a hour, I forget


I like the idea of printers giving less money, i like seeing people work for it instead of just waiting for it to be handed to them, Ex: fishing, farming etc


I just said Farming and it reminded me, the Server title or what ever it's called, the text that appears in the garry's mod server list. I feel the word 'plantation' has a negative connotation lol

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