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V3rgE the Virgin


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Who am I?

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The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody told you it was a happy tale, if somebody said I was just your average guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied. But let me assure you, this, like any other story worth telling, is all about a girl. That girl, The girl next door. Mary Jane Watson. The woman I loved since before I even liked girls. I'd like to tell you that's me next to her. Heck, I'd even take him.


Nah but playing aside I'm V3rgE, also known as MineShack. I've put quite a lot of time into DarkRP. I first discovered it when I was in 8th grade, currently a senior, and was addicted to it for two years straight. I used to be a part of the community known as Salvage Gaming, which has since been ended. I worked my way up and was friends with pretty much all of the staff and the owner, Doge, has since become a good internet friend of mine. Through a couple of server shutdowns and restarts I stuck through it. And after it was over, I even started my own server alongside one of my friends. I become adept at Lua (which I've since forgotten all of) and ran my own server for a couple of months. I was pulling about 30 consecutive players at most times of the day without any advertisement in my first month. I went on a month long road trip with my family shortly after starting it and didn't have a good partner to run the server when I was gone. So when I got back my server was in ruins and the staff that I had, told me that my "partner" had completely abused all his powers that I gave him and killed off the fanbase. Being pissed and finding out that he blocked me on Steam and everything I had him added on, I shut my server down. It was a short-lived dream but one that I'm glad to have gone through. Being a senior in high school I've been pretty busy and haven't had much time to game and haven't played DarkRP in a couple years. After convincing a few of my friends to try it out, we hopped on this spring break and started playing on TitsRP a week ago. I've been playing on it every chance I get and am loving it. With the rest of my school year switching over to online, I'm gonna be active for a long time on Tits with y'all. I've enjoyed my time and decided to pay the 5 smackaroos for VIP today. Looking forward to seeing you all in game and hoping to build up some friendships with you all! Anyways thanks for actually taking the time to read this introduction and I'm sure I'll see you around if you've taken the time to do that :)

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