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Public Bases Are Flawed


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The issues boil down to:


I don't know/don't want to use the tab menu mute function

and, like Herb said

because who the heck is gonna raid you for your stove?

I want to raid someone's stove or gun stand, which will do absolutely nothing for me.


If they're dispensing food or shipments and it bothers you, try stealing it. Entities dropped anywhere on the map is fair game. If you get killed, don't go back and steal from the same guy for a while since the rules basically say "don't fuck with what killed you." If you get away, good for you.


A lot of issues people have with the rules/supposed loopholes can be solved by using common sense or, preferably (but not really preferably), applying an Assaulter directly to the minge. We have the "don't minge or harass people" rule for a reason. Call for staff and have hobos yeeted out. The base owner also has the option of warning the hobo to stop and killing them if they refuse to comply, that's directly in the MOTD. If the boombox is bothering a bigly amount of people, just go destroy it. If it's inaccessible behind a fading door, public bases can't have fading doors. Utilize @ to get them slapped.


I don't agree with the idea of constricting the rules and stopping people from having some genuine RP or chill-out fun for a very few fringe cases that can be resolved using the tab menu or a warn advert.


When all else fails, you could also try the most drastic measure. Walking away.

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These mechanics, voice mute, and warn only go so far. Voice mute can be cancelled entirely just by re logging into the server to reset the voice mutes people have on you. Secondly, Warns just delay the inevitable, and if i wanna chill out i cant be warning the same person every 30 seconds cause they wont leave me the fuck alone. Lastly i have called staff about these issues, several times, talking about targeted harassment and ive been ignored about every time i do, and forced to either to delete the bar and hope they leave me alone, or continue to get fucked with in the hopes that they will get bored and leave.


The lack of rules about this subject dont make rp more fun or enjoyable, it just leaves open a back door for minges to fuck with people and the staff to shrug their shoulders because there are no rules for them to enforce in the first place.

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