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  1. Wow! You made it to the application for Senior Moderator! Let's go over some important information before you proceed.. What is a Senior Mod? Senior Moderators are the "creme de la creme" of the staff team. The rank is given to the most experienced Moderators who have an interest in taking on more responsibility. What does an Senior Mod do? In addition to the normal duties of staff, they operate as a support system for T-Mods and Moderators: training and promoting T-Mods, offering advice and support to T-Mods and Mods and assisting with ban appeals & reports. They may be given special tasks by Administrators as needed. Senior Moderators also moderate the Discord and community forums. Do I have to apply for Senior Mod? Absolutely not, Senior Mod is not a requirement. I want to apply but I'm not sure I will be accepted.. You should not feel obligated to apply because someone told you to or because you have been a Moderator for a while. Senior Moderator comes with a lot of responsibility and you will be held to a higher standard by Administrators and your peers. If you don't do well under pressure or cannot handle constructive criticism well, Senior Mod may not be for you. How can I know if I will be accepted? If you choose to apply you should meet the following criteria to be considered: Positive reputation in the community Friendly to players and staff Welcoming to new players Active on Discord & Forums Some personal qualities we look for in a Senior Mod are: Positive outlook on life Works well as a team-unit ( see: WHAT IS TEAM-CENTRIC METHODOLOGY ABOUT? ) Operates well under pressure Humble leader ( Self motivated but makes decisions that positively affect the team as a whole ) Does not make impulsive decisions or act on emotions If you feel like the Senior Mod rank is for you and you're ready to apply, copy the template below and post a new thread in this Forum. Your application can only be viewed by you and the Administrators. There are no requirements to apply, but you should have been a Moderator for some time to build the reputation and experience you need to succeed as a Senior Mod. Failing the application has no penalty and you will be notified if you have been accepted.
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