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  1. So, there was a good point in raiding that was relatively balanced. C4 could be punted, it was cheap relatively, and was used during raids often. Back then, mat nades were almost never used because all they did was just revert the material of a fence, pretty useless in a huge base where throwing one will only unmaterialize like a quarter of it, so there comes into play mat bombs. Even then, mat bombs completely destroyed fences and faded materials in a larger line of sight, which meant that they were a commodity, but being C4 so cheap, they were almost never used as mining a base with them is way easier. Now that C4 can't be punted, and mat nades blow up fences, new players are at a severe disadvantage in any one way base, more than before. My suggestion initially was to remove mat bombs and mat nades, but now what I believe is that instead of that, we should make it so both mat nades and mat bombs do not destroy fences, and here is why. With C4 or timebombs, you can shoot them out. Same goes for someone blowtorching, you can shoot them. The problem is that people can use mat nades to go through any base at all, and just dominate. They are only 5k EACH according to the 15k price for 3 in the supplier job. Make it so mat nades are a cheaper option to remove the material from props, but don't make them remove fences. This goes for mat bombs as well. C4 should also be made able to be punted in light of this change, because it is barely used now due to it not being able to be thrown, and being more of a risk than it is a return. The appeal for timebombs is they completely destroy props, and are cheap. But now they are necessary to viably raid any base unless you place that C4 just right. When you could punt C4, people didn't bother to put it in the gaps of a steel bar base because it was way easier to just launch it in and cause way more damage. I feel that this change overall could help better the server in a few ways. 1. Newer players are able to counteract a raid on their base (Can shoot out the C4 etc) 2. Punting C4 means you can mine through bases easier along with the changes to printers making raiding more active as money printers are a goody 3. Basing will not be as big of a learning curve, anyone with knowledge relatively of the meta can sculpt a base that won't be exploited to heaven If you have any feedback to provide, then leave it below. You are entitled to your own opinion but I just had a few thoughts here that would really be awesome.
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