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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by orch

  1. Yeah last i heard there is no unwritten rules, if a rule is in a grey area it up to the staff to say if its allowed or not, but recently I have been told by staff the as certain job appointed only by the mayor (landlord) does not have to follow these rules, because "doc said so". So yes there is unfortunately unwritten rules, maybe they will be added to MOTD maybe they wont  

    Fading door limit is 3 doors protecting your items. You may only require raiders go through 3 doors to get to your entities/bank vault.

    You cannot take over a large portion of the map and the portion of the map cannot be a hotspot

  2. Printers, Procs and miners are not the only way to make decent money. I don't see an issue with the current printers they are balanced pretty well and the fact that you only get one means less entities so better FPS. Also the bitminer you listed has already been in the server at one point for awhile and was replaced with a different miner which was then replaced with the current miner.

  3. You cant compare mike to other jobs bc he is a legacy job, meaning you can just chose him at will, you have to be selected randomly or craft a legacy forger. Im sure youre making this bc of wilhelm and the fact that rdmed him a few times for just running at you as myers, and he made a sit on you about it, and you mentioned to me that he has 112 kill as myers, but he has been myers for 4 hrs. "The speed of myers and the damage of his knife" the speed and the damage is the same has any other knife. Myers isn't even op at all imo and I've played has him many times, also in my experiences of playing mike it can get quite boring at times as its hard to find people under 75hp,

  4. Description: EVERYTIME you throw a baby it will kidnap, last i remember there was a chance for the baby to knock a player out


    How to reproduce: switch and throw a baby at a player   https://streamable.com/hxbzy


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low) high


    7. Make failing to put a person into a cage/proper kidnap RP a warnable offense/define it as FailRP/Minging. 

    Already works this way, you cannot kidnap and just leave a dude on the street or whatever. Also if you aren't held for most of the kidnap timer it 'fails' to kidnap you allowing you to kill yourself or your kidnapper.


    That's a few of mine.


    I've had this happen to me multiple times, and even by a staff member. If this is a rule, it needs to start being enforced more.


    you actually can just kidnap someone and leave them there, just run away, you dont have to do anything with them. herb is wrong about that rule... the rule was removed from motd a very long time ago.. As for kidnapping, people really dont even kidnap anymore, there is only a few people that spam beast potions and kidnap and they dont even play that much. kidnapping is not an issue at all imo

  6. Two days ago i pulled 28 dark spirit jars out of myself, you have to farm your own xp do a couple pd raids get your bounty up and watch out for those spirit callers. 

    There is a few of the talismans that are very op, personally i don't think they should be any easier to obtain due to the fact they are really only used in raids giving the raider a massive advantage.

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