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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by kyleposte

  1. Slams were removed I think. Therefore any shipments are remnants waiting to be spawned as errors and therefore deleted. no they are not removed i had 6 of them and i could use them and holster them i only have one left now and 2 soon once we get this sorted out
  2. i am rely butt hurt right now i had slams for the chrismas thing and got rdmed with them so erston joined the server and tried spawning me one but i could use it but when i tried to inv it it would disappear and it was not in my inv so sugar i was hoping some how i could get 1 more slam in my bank or inv some how thx and can you unban my account from the forms i was permed after the number thing this is Bosco the rely annoying dog thing that you dont rely like but it would mean alot if you could help me out :heart:
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