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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cheesepoope

  1. Custom classes can blow up my props like nothing but you wanna use examples of real life. Show me how many robbers blow up the wall of someones house to raid it. You wont find it because most sneak through windows, break down doors, etc its not common for a wall to get blown up and then im raided. The advert raid doesn't have to be even tho most servers (almost all) require a advert raid to avoid NLR and RDM but if you like toxic people and banning/kicking then I understand why. Just don't set standards with Real examples and allow the standards to be broken, custom classes can be custom but still limited, not blowing up everything ,flying and doing what ever you want. Get a better system allowing only fading door and world props can explode. Ask people with VIP what role they want their class to be and just get them items so that a class isn't too broken. Simple things really. Last comment was more meant for Zucc and Tass
  2. The idea of not being able to advert raiding someone house but can't rdm blows my mind because its one in the same. When a person adverts raid they don't have to declare who their raiding. All they need to do is advert a raid so that if someone basing cared enough they would defend. There is zero point of making PD Raid exclusive when they only time people raid PD is in group, but one person can raid a house and not declare. I had some dude walk into my base kill me and then rob me and I didn't defend cause I didn't see the raid in chat. I shoulda checked the MOTD and probably just killed him on sight when I first saw him but regardless the rule is still ass. People need to be able to defend their base especially when someone can blow my whole prop away and the prop doesn't come back. The server already has a mass rdm problem anyway with some toxic people using their jobs in different ways that was unintended for the role and people don't care. A lot of the adverts don't make sense either but im moreless no concerned with those. The raiding is the most important to me. If the rule doesn't change there's no point in basing I minus well just get a group everytime and just raid people since im not trying to have a base and never know that its getting raided.
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