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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by slurpurp

  1. Fortnite! Fortnite!

    What's the point of building forts you're goin' nite, nite!


    nigga we aint buildn here

    q u i c k s w i t c h

    how to quick switch :

    type in console :

     alias +quickswitch lastinv

     alias -quickswutch lastinv

     bind (key) +quickswitch

    pull out your inventory

    pull out your axe / pickaxe

    hold left click

    tap your bind to the sound of you hitting the resource.




  2. dont know how it would work for trees but not like it would matter but weak spots on the metal rocks that would give us double metal or something would be dope... something other to do rather than being forced to afk... and for crops, watering them would make them grow faster

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