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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by slurpurp

  1. Description: You can go SUPER fast using the flight swep How to reproduce: Use a flight swep, switch to anything else in your hotbar while your stuck in place (holding shift the whole time) Priority: high? https://streamable.com/hn1wk dont mind the audio i was talking to damned
  2. Item to craft that takes 5 gang tokens... yeye?? Edit: would be used for the next tier of levels
  3. they should get that bc there to ez to kill and it would be more of a challenge,no fall dmg too
  4. nigga we aint buildn here ty??
  5. dont know how it would work for trees but not like it would matter but weak spots on the metal rocks that would give us double metal or something would be dope... something other to do rather than being forced to afk... and for crops, watering them would make them grow faster
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