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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CameroN

  1. Hey everyone my name is Cam I just came back from quite the break of Gmod but now im back and this being one of the first servers I saw with such an appealing name I decided to join after meeting the community I hope to be staying for quite a while so thanks everybody :)
  2. Alright thanks guy much appreciated :) I just checked and that did fix it thanks guys!
  3. Its called "Magnum Sniper Rifle" and I have all the addons downloaded it didn't fix the issue
  4. Its the one the SWAT Chief has by default its called like a magnum or something I haven't used the dragon lore so im not sure if there is any problem with that aswell
  5. Sorry to be a bother but I just have a quick question ive downloaded everything from the collection set up for the server but whenever I use the AWP and scope in its just missing textures and makes the gun practically useless. I know I could just avoid the gun entirely but I just wanted to know how to fix this :) Thanks
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