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(�︡-︠)� Brandon


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by (�︡-︠)� Brandon

  1. Whats the pass to the DEV server ::D You need a random like me to test it :D Edit: Great work on server it looks pretty good.
  2. I always wanted to enable weapon dropping but due to custom classes I can't. It would be abused too hard. You could make it so that custom classes don't drop their weapons for example how some players can't get the weapons, idk if that's possible but blacklisting weapons that are drop able could be false. Not sure if you can go in depth that much with that feature.
  3. I've been banned for this glitch before. So Let's say you get 3 warnings you're banned for 19 hours you come back. You get 1 warning and you're banned again. I've been banned for about a day and a half and I still have active warns these warns are not decaying. This needs to be reviewed and fixed so this won't screw up players that get 1 warn then are instantly banned for another 19 hours. (also I don't think mine are decaying, need in game assistance whenever anyone with enough power gets anytime)
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