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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Asthmaniac

  1. Asthmaniac

    A CP Test

    A Civil Protection Test to help keep the new people from joining the CP before they even read the rules. I've seen dozens of new people join in and start enforcing rules that don't exist on the server, or just join to have a gun and power. Having a short test would help stem these problem players, and having them read the rules to even pass would bring sits about "being new" as a CP to a much quicker end. The questions could be something like What areas of the map is the Mayor able to make a KOS zone? A. The Sewers B. Anywhere that's not fountain or spawn C. Only the PD D. Anywhere What does NLA stand for? A. New Life Amendment B. Non Lethal Abuse C. Never Leave Anything D. New Laws Always You're a broke CP, to make money you: A. Drop some printers at a base B. Start fining every player around you C. Set everyone's bounty around you to 5k and collect D. Collect the bounties the players around you have The Mayor's a dick, to kill him you: A. Shoot his stupid face first chance you get B. Become swat to get into the office, then change to Mayors Assassin and shoot him C. Become the Mayors Assassin and work your way up the the mayor D. Start a Revolt E. A&B F. C&D I'm not the best with laws and loopholes, these are just some ideas to get the cogs turning.
  2. I was trying to give another player rep while they were leaving, and they left as I was viewing their rep. The menu would not close, and I was stuck. I had to use the console to finally get assistance. Pics are what happened after Keja was called over https://imgur.com/a/hfbKlWB Dumbass me didn't think to grab a screenshot of the glitch itself, but it looks like the view-rep screen without the Tab Menu up.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/L4vjywv I have restarted Gmod 4+ times, and my computer twice. Not sure what would cause this, as all my files are sorted away.
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