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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Darkpiece

  1. You should let Mercenary jobs raid when that person is their hit.
  2. Aren't little suggestions suppose to be on the suggestion thread?
  3. Darkpiece


    Suggestions 1. Add Tranq M9 as a buyable option on at least one of the market dealers. Why should it happen? Tranq M9's are not a crazy insane weapon. It's really nothing too special, you kidnap people with it. You can get them from processors but that's about it. It would be cool if it was added to a market dealer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Have a trade system like !trade [name] Why should it happen? It would make deals a lot easier and make scamming less of a chance to happen. Like you would be able to trade items from your inventory and set a amount of money you can give to them. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Put more questions in staff format Why should it happen? With the current staff app, its pretty easy to get staff. You can put 10 minutes of effort and get accepted. Put more questions with a higher difficulty to prevent stupid staff and get better staff. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Make promotions from Senior Moderator --> Admin not rare Why should it happen? Basically senior mods are like trial admins. If a senior mod is doing extremely well and people know he can be trusted to do the right thing, why not let it happen? I get it, maybe the owner doesn't want this. But promotions is what keeps people going. Senior mod I'm guessing is older mods(in the name) so their going to be bored at times, since they have been playing for a while. A promotion will keep them going and help the staff team overall.
  4. RDM Arena? Rewards from kills? Fuck yea. +1
  5. I guess this is ight. I see some good use coming out of this +1
  6. Darkpiece


    How about McTits?
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