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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by boxofrocks22

  1. Good luck I tried getting mine back for 6 months nothing happened .... hahah really seems like it, just played 2 hours on the server and allready regret coming back, harsh random rules, bad moderators, rdm everywhere, random arrests, cops literally arrest people just so they get money for bail.
  2. thank you so much! do you think tits would let me be a mod again i am 16 now
  3. Hi, about 3 years ago i used to play on Tits, I fell in love with the server and i played it constantly... I had 60ish hours on the server. Well i bought a custom class for 90$ and i would love to have it back! I was the youngest moderator ever on the server (i was 12). I did not buy MOD either... I was sadly demodded because 2 people were mad i banned there friend for mass rdm and all filed bad reports on me. Than after that i was pissed off and never played on the server again until now. I really just want to get my class back! I would really like to be a mod again though while i was gone i was a moderator for a TTT server, 1942rp server, Plasma gaming dark RP. Please get back to me and send this to tits so he can see that i would like my class back! PLZ and thanks bois. im going to be grinding on the server if you see me say hi! maybe you will see my class! oh god now im remember this one 10 year old kid that had like a 200$ class and his character was Link from Zelda and he would just go around rdming and fucking with RakkRakk and heres a picture of me with my puppy
  4. Guys i think we should have a map change to v3! It has everything in the old map but more! There are mansions, way better graphics!, beaches, bank, more houses, more strongholds, car dealer so you don't have to spawn your cars at a gas station, and a huge map expansion! PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS GUYS! THIS WOULD BE SO AWESOME IF WE CHANGE THE MAP! Play on this map on sandbox and check it out it is awesome!
  5. Hey do you have skype and i can share screens its not working. Skype me: ronster789
  6. Ever since the map change the sky keeps glitching and its starting to get on my nerves please help here are some screen shots please comment any ideas that might work.
  7. yo dawg since the map change they haven't added in the cardealer yet so chill out.... I lost my bmw 2015 or whatever and my raptor
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