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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by BuckBe

  1. I was just in the process of having candy help me craft some boots of speed since I had just prestiged and the server crashes. It wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't 2334 Wood | 43 Strange Gems | and 391 Chem barrels. I have it clipped for proof. I can not attach the video here so pls add my discord Roastdawg if anything can be done. Thank you!
  2. Looking for a talented builder to make me a all purpose shop! Looking for a very modern design with high precision, detail, uniqueness, and style that fits into this location https://imgur.com/a/AOeQnht . Obviously not for free, $PAYING 10-15mil$, and or the same in $$Sugar dollars$$, price negotiable depending on level of skill and detail.
  3. Enchanting weapons should not be illegal by default. This would allow weapon enchanters to have actual public shops and avoid being raided every 5minutes for just having a forge down that cant even be stolen.
  4. I was told in a sit by a mod that the rules do not specify public bases cant be raided so thats cool
  5. In the MOTD the public base rules only describe what a public base is but do not state what the purpose of them is. It needs to clearly state that public bases are unraidable otherwise what's the point in them.
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