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One Drifty Boi


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by One Drifty Boi

  1. Yup that was it how do I leave the gang?
  2. It's just that I get no prompt to interact with the gang creator, I have the money and I've tried restarting my game, steam and my pc.
  3. Gmod hours: 364 What you can contribute to our gang: I'm active so I'm willing to help grind out levels. Are you liked? Be honest: Haven't run into someone that doesn't like me yet, must be my charms. Do you raid?: Whenever I can. Do you base?: Yup to make some sweet green. You cool? Gotta be cool: I'm so cool people give me their sweet rolls no hassle. In Game Name: Jumping Jack Flash Steam Name: One Drifty Boi
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