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reptilians control the gov


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by reptilians control the gov

  1. Category:





    dupe bug

    How to reproduce:

    1. Get a loot crate
    2. Use grav gun to hold it up into the RDM zone portal
    3. The sound of the teleporter plays and it appears in the RDM zone, but the original doesn't disappear, and this can be repeated

    See reproduction steps. I'm not sure if this is even exploitable though because you can't open inventory in the RDM zone, and trying to open the loot box just produces a gray screen, I assume because you don't have the inventory swep.

  2. 1000% agree with OP. I have literally never seen someone do a kidnapping that was within RP, not once. It's like mugging. Sure, it makes sense that you would be able to do it, but when you're actually playing the game it's just a "valid" reason to minge. Nobody ever wants a ransom, just like nobody ever actually wants the money they're mugging you for. They're just looking for a reason to waste your time, kill you, or both.

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