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About Bulvie

  • Birthday 09/10/2004


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  • Favorite Game
    Garry's Mod


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  1. I'm going to take my leave here at TitsRP as staff. It was nice being staff here honestly, I enjoyed every last bit of my experience here. I won't ever forget the memories I got here, the mass rdming, mic spamming, the sits, and the constant complaining and the times where I just wanna open up console and type quit because people know loopholes in the system. I'm not retiring because of too much stress, or school, not because I don't like the community. More like, I don't really have anything to go after, It's my drive doing this. It started fading whenever I got senior moderator, I've been thinking about this for a while now I've given it a few weeks see if anything would come back but at the end not really. A big impact on this decision was with Doge Skeletor retiring, he was the main reason I wanted to become senior and along with I felt like I could do something if I become senior moderator as well but I didn't really make much of an impact. There is much more capable senior moderators that have been added that are much better then me. I wanna say a personal congratulations to Koda and Senior Citizen Jack Johnson good job you two. With all that said, thank you everyone you've all been amazing. Personal thank you to Blue for accepting this boy as a staff member.
  2. Heck yeah, I support this change. +1
  3. That was the last thing I was expecting lmao, I loved that.
  4. A little overkill, don't ya think?
  5. I liked the community, wanted to help around. At times yes, other times no. It has its ups and downs. Filled with funny ass times, other times I wanna get up and quit and say fuck this.
  6. Don't stress bud, I completely feel you. Take that time off, and hopefully come back feeling refreshed. I actually took an LOA myself for two weeks.
  7. I'll move it back, sorry about that Sticks.
  8. I agree with Doge on this suggestion, it can be abused and it doesn't really need to be added. If this was added we would very rarely use it. Basically what doge says, they either return the item or get banned.
  9. My goodness man, you killed me with that C4. Mans just ran though those doors with no care in the world and screaming "Allahu akbar!"
  10. There's been many occasions where I've dealt with sits where the player claims the bird pooped on them, and then the player RDM's the bird and the bird claims they didn't poop on said player. There is no logs to provide where the bird did, or did not poop on the player. So I would have to just void the sit. I would like to see added where pooping on a player as a bird does one damage.
  11. Hello! I'm Bulvie, but everyone knows me as Fluffye in TitsRP. I'm just your daily moderator.
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