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Comrade Razmir


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Comrade Razmir

  1. In-game Name: Comrade Razmir [align=center]When did you start playing?: 2017 Came back a few days ago How many hours played?: 78 Hours on tits, 2500 on GMOD Do own a Custom Class (CC)?: No I used to rent one from a dude, not gonna do that again. But I might buy one for myself if I reall get into the server [/align]
  2. One that was in the second sentence, so if you can't read periods you need to learn English again. And two that was taken completely out of context, I wasn't describing my opinion of Kryptonite as a racist, I was explaining what I said that was deemed as "racist".
  3. And that is just immature. I recommend reading our rules, literally the first rule says: "DO be respectful to everyone" - MOTD The rules also say no racism.
  4. I got proof that the admin Kryptonite is a racist and doesn't like black people. There is a major problem of double standards on this server, I can be called a darkie and a ooga booga, but If I say that IN MY OPINION I don't like Asians that much I get banned. He also banned me for lying in a sit just because I said I wasn't being racist (which is ironic since some privileged white dude trying to tell me I'm racist), this is blatant hypocrisy as this would NOT have happened if I was white. This also violates my first amendment rights, which some other racist told me to look up. But I don't need too cause I already know what it do it ensures that the right to freedom of talking is to not be infringed, and it applies to EVERYONE (not just white people). He never even attempted to get the Asians into the sit because then he'd have to know I'm right so instead he banned me, to try and silence me cause he knows he's a racist. The only "racist" thing I did was call them dumb Asians, but that's not racist since I was just saying they were dumb not all Asians are dumb just these ones, so Kryptonite clearly is dumb at English. I'm not saying Kryptonite should be banned or anything I just want people to know who Kryptonite really is, which is a racist.
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