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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Apxcs

  1. Apxcs


    I have this happen to me as well
  2. WHY AM I NEVER ON WHEN HE IS! (but really he is a problem)
  3. Nooooo I like you being a shitty person if you act your age then I won't have good race........
  4. Yeah but asking for shooting is so bad he wanted him to rdm so it would be 3 rdm and he could say mass. I think this should be a report. I have no problem with the ban but if i told someone to kill me then banned them we would have a problem.
  5. Sennyk help an rdmer and said please do it on more time....just watch!
  6. Isn't that more reason to remove it? A player who could be a great cop ends up constantly denied because people auto click "no" due to it being annoying, and players get spammed by the annoying requests. I personally vote yes for all of them. Yeah sweg is right voting is soooo stupid I go on servers all the time and go cp WITH voting. It is not hard to get cp but sometimes it is hard and when it is it can be so annoying. I can't tell if this is sarcasm tbh :P Oh and @ Hops I didn't think we were really arguing, I just thought it was a normal discussion on the voting system. Love ya bb Was not sarcasm it was legit I hate voting...-_-
  7. Isn't that more reason to remove it? A player who could be a great cop ends up constantly denied because people auto click "no" due to it being annoying, and players get spammed by the annoying requests. I personally vote yes for all of them. Yeah sweg is right voting is soooo stupid I go on servers all the time and go cp WITH voting. It is not hard to get cp but sometimes it is hard and when it is it can be so annoying.
  8. That would be dank...if I remember correctly communist lizard can do this. He already has a job for it ask him..
  9. Legit with the title coping me (and u can stop spamming me with your twitch)
  10. You have been on for 3 weeks to month......why are you doing this now its a bit late, but hi I guess nice to meet you my name is apxcs I am a mod on this server...(EVEN THOUGH WE ALREADY KNOW EACH OTHER)
  11. gg tod....gg Tod does do his job although he can get tempered he is a good mod. He goes to sits when he can and does his best in all them. Me and tod almost get flooded with sits everyday because no one else wants to do them. keep it up tod. (sorry I have not been on much today)
  12. You are making me do this.......YOU ARE A PEICE OF BREAD NOT TOAST
  13. Can we stop this I'm not a fucking brony!
  14. Apxcs

    Class Idea

    Ok I have a class a idea. a Hitler class as a VIP job where your KOS to everyone and cops can arrest you as you try to build an army and take over the city! It would be able to raid with its army and terrorize the public. The class can mega base. I think it should have a side arm like a 5-seven or something. It would be a hitler model of course.
  15. EVERY TIME IT SAYS MISSING MAPS HALP ME PLOX it says missing maps Rp_evocity_v33x.bsp I dont what to do I tried to download it but still nothing.....
  16. Does anyone have a link to the map so I get download it?
  17. If we do decide to put this in (I hope we do) we should make a new job as Waifu with an anime model!
  18. This will be perfect WE NEED SEWER MONSTERS!
  19. Yeah noticed you were kinda off lately
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