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A Friendly Canadian


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by A Friendly Canadian

  1. Yeah I'm not so willing to get rid of this. Just having swastikas or in this case the Reichstag (cool build btw) doesn't mean they have those ideological beliefs , this is for roleplay reasons and if you're getting offended off something online then sorry. Even if this is the case I'm not so willing to take away peoples freedom of speech and how they choose to express themselves.


    This isn't mexicanborderRP, this isn't 1942RP, this isn't naziRP.  If the server isn't going to outright advertise this shit than it shouldn't be allowed.  Freedom of speech is no excuse because if I can't "disrespect" staff than there's no LITERAL freedom of speech.  If saying the nword isn't allowed there is no LITERAL freedom of speech.. To outright defend this kind of behavior is something you wouldent tag your real face and name to so stop the bullshit.  Either you fucking are OK with nazis or you are not. Real fucking easy to say what you do behind a computer screen.  Post this shit to your Facebook. Whats your real name, how much do you really believe in what you just said. Change the server name to something more nazi friendly if this is a nazi friendly server. Instead of titsrp why not WhiteguysthatarecoolwithnazisRP. Fucking 13 year olds trial modding a nazi server.  BIG FUCKING CLAP.

     Someone’s bubble was bursted lmao

  2. Yeah I'm not so willing to get rid of this. Just having swastikas or in this case the Reichstag (cool build btw) doesn't mean they have those ideological beliefs , this is for roleplay reasons and if you're getting offended off something online then sorry. Even if this is the case I'm not so willing to take away peoples freedom of speech and how they choose to express themselves.

  3. Bug 


    Description: When you die as baby king and have the baby Goliath perk you wont be big and wont have 1k health when u respawn


    How to reproduce: Die and respawn (must have the perk)


    Priority: Low

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