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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by [HFG]Crimson

  1. Oh you're Crimson. Yea, I just checked error logs and your name is everywhere. It may be your game to be honest. Did you recently join a server and then join into this one? That can mess it up sometimes. Either way some of the issues you caused I will be fixing in tomorrow morning's reset!


    No, to be honest. I joined this server after I pulled up Garry's mod. So that's a bit odd!


    Thanks for the support btw.


    From what i'm seeing from that screenshot is, Gandalf must've hit me with his magic while I was doing something in the business panel which therefore messing up a few scripts and resulting in crashing my game. I know that my business panel was acting odd at certain times too.

  2. What in the freak? Possibly a prop spammer? What are the lua errors you're getting

    Not sure, honestly. I was kind of engrossed with keeping up my business in-game which had 25 locations. Which I was kicked out for having too many Lua errors with I believe a few other individuals (Completely losing my business .-.). The admins were unable to see the building.


    I know that there are users that are able to use the console in order to spawn blacklisted objects such as that one which could mess up the server.

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