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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Magma

  1. Thank you. Hoping Sugar or someone with the power of change will see it.
  2. I definitely appreciate the apologies. What is your ingame name? And as I am happy with the fact of someone stepping up and apologizing , what can we do? When will there be a change in this type of situation? This stuff happens alot and Im afraid it'll kill the server some day. Like the situation that happend really sucked and We still think he wasent even within the rules. It broke the entire kingdom up and sent most of its residence offline. It ruined what was the most fun I was having on the server that day. And it sucks he got away with the whole thing and we have to move forward, it seems we have to ignore sh*tty cases alot due to this type of stuff, ya know?
  3. And again , Never had any issues with ANYONE above. But after what happened today it really felt like the final straw with 8 mods online , 6 filed requests and no response. Im just upset.
  4. As stated before , I had Pmed manny of them during the situation and requests. Not trying to create drama or get reactions , im looking for some kind of Justification or Action by higher up. This is beyond just asking them. Mods ignoring sits on this server has become more average practice. There are always 2-5 active mods in these situations , but there are also ones who will ignore requests and Pm's because they don't want to deal with the situation. Not saying anything about the list above , but definitely been a issue for a long time.
  5. Been playing Gmod for only a couple months now. Have 160+ hours , all being on Titsrp Server. I love it. The job variety and fun entertaining atmosphere is what keeps me. But as ive been playing I have realized the lack of control in early and late hours , sometime even day time hours. There will either be 1 or 2 AFK admins on or A Lot of them on who are not doing their job. On Feb 2nd 2018 , I purchased VIP. And On the same day I had the biggest issue with lacking admins ive ever had. I spent 10$ on ingame currency and now Im debating if I should leave the server for good. I had an incident happen between me and a undercover cop (Who I wont name) while inside a Kingdom. There was argument as to who was within rules...so at that point the best thing to do is @ file for a sit and get it worked out rather than RDM and NLR. Well when It happened I filed. Made myself spoken in OOC. Pmed admins. Watched admins talk in OOC. At the end of this , Ive filed 6 Requests and waited over 60mins. Finally I was helped by Noahmh about an hour later (He just got online) .. At this point because it was so long after , all logs were erased and the case was dismissed. Incident was sometime around 9-10Pm Feb 2nd This is NOT the first , second , or tenth time i've been upset about inactive Mods. It ruins the server when people can break the rules. The Mods/admins online at the time of my 6+files , Pm's , And OOC requests were Griffin Genkki Rigbe Cuntbucket Silent518 TheGrapeWarrior Kryptonite Squanch I have nothing personal against any Mod or Admin , in fact many on the list have helped me in the past. But Some like TheGrapeWarrior , Genkki , and CuntBucket blantily ignored my Pm's or OOC requests, and then themselves posted in OOC and Advert selling. I would understand more if every Mod was busy at the time but Only 2 out of the 8 were feeding teleports and jailing. Rest were playing. Not sure where else to go. Hope I will get a good response and have something done so I can keep enjoying the server, Its very fun. Thanks.
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