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About MetroGreen�

  • Birthday 09/12/2004


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  • Location
    The house with the b

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  1. First time i accidently bought there was a micspamming citizen outside spawn blocking the narrow slot between the stands and when i tried to E warn him it made me buy a gun. Second time i was running out of PD and tried to close the doors but accidently bought a gun.
  2. Basically the title, Can we please make scammy gun carts against the rules? Maybe selling a glock for 7k each is a little much but im talking about the huge scam ones that sell one rifle for like, 950k, i've lost two mil cause the carts are placed specifically near doors or cramming outside spawn to get people to accidently buy them. I've seen CP and mayors do this so i'm not 100% sure it's even considered "scamming" in rp sense.
  3. hey, I'm MetroPolice, but the "police" normally gets replaced with a color. I like minecraft, and i'm a good Christian schoolboy. I came to this cool server just recently after being perma-banned from 3 other servers for (bogus) reasons. Im very sensitive and i'm more into making houses with just props and no entities, like real houses. I hope that i can manage to respect others in this server and be respected in turn, With Love, (no homo) -MetroGreen(ish)
  4. I got this bug too, i spawned in with no keys but a para LMG with super fast regenerating ammo and the model of the spidermangun/ Hl2 pistol. When i asked my friend what i was holding he said nothing, but on my screen i was unloading endless amounts of imaginary bullets into everyone around me.
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