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�ۣ�Cat's Achievements



  1. What is your in-game name? - Inferno (i have a symbol infront it won't let me paste it) Why would you like to join CX? - I would like to join CX because it seems like a very popular gang and has many kind members. How often to do you see other CX members? - I see them fairly often. But I see Typical the most. How many hours do you put into TitsRP a week? - I only recently got into TitsRP but so far I believe I've put in nearly 20 hours this week. Do you agree to be on at least 2 times a week? - Yes, and if not, I will put many hours to make up for missed time. What can you supply the gang with that others can't? - I enjoy putting time into my bases when building them, although not the best, they are confusing to work around and are very maze like. I also can help with raiding since my aim is semi-good. Espescially with the AWP.
  2. I can also confirm it doesn't work. It was working fine for a bit, then randomly stopped working. IDK why this is happening.
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