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Criminal CV


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Criminal CV

  1. Why can I not reply to comments. It says im not allowed
  2. Even though this is not in the correct section or right template. I +1 this appeal, simply because you admitted your mistakes. Also it was mostly Prime who fucked up not you. where do you want me to appeal? MERRY CHRISTMAS The report section and use the format I believe Posted the appeal on the report section but i cannot find the format...
  3. Even though this is not in the correct section or right template. I +1 this appeal, simply because you admitted your mistakes. Also it was mostly Prime who fucked up not you. where do you want me to appeal? MERRY CHRISTMAS
  4. my ign is csgonoobskicle I would like to get unbanned because I have no other things to do in my life than play on this server. Also its the best on on garrysmod. I was banned for 2 moths because of my friends decisions... That is bullshit.
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